Have a GOOD Day


Good Day

Have a good day!

How many times have I heard this in my life? I’d wager millions. But what does it really mean? I think too many people – myself included – have used this phrase as a Goodbye. It’s not that I don’t want someone to have a good day, it’s just what you say.

But, just before hanging up after one of our phone conversations, my mom said the following…

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Parenting Before the Storm


Last weekend, Brad and I were asked to participate in a parenting class at church. The topic was Parenting Elementary School Children with a focus on relationships. We are definitely not experts on the matter. But, as we have one who has passed that stage, and one almost through, we certainly have experience!

When Brad and I first started talking about what we wanted to share, he immediately came up with the title, The Calm Before the Storm. I thought that was absolutely perfect. In elementary school, our kids still accepted us as the authority figures, and there really wasn’t that much backlash. Not that it’s been easy easy, but it hasn’t been as difficult as other stages have been and those I fear are coming…

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