What to Study?!? 5 ways to get into His Word when you don’t know where to begin

Have you ever been in that position?  You have your quiet time scheduled, and you are actually where you are supposed to be at the time you are supposed to be there!  You grab your coffee, sit down to study, and then think – What do I do now?

I’ve been there.  I’ve tried a lot of things to help me get started when I have no idea where to begin!  Here are five ways I have found that have helped me regain focus and get me back in His Word.

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Hello? Are you hearing me?!?

I heard the words as they were coming out of my mouth… how couldn’t they?

                   Would you please fold up the blankets?

                   Please fold the blankets and put them on the couch…

                   Have you folded the blankets? Please take care of them!

This was my evening.

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Flexibility – and not the kind you get from yoga…

I have never been accused of being spontaneous. I am someone who truly loves routine.  Lists (and crossing off things once they’re done) make me really happy.  I even created a cleaning and laundry schedule when I became Home Manager (thanks for the new title, Spence!).  Yep, I’m that kind of person.

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