Freedom Series: A Recap


Over the past five days, I wrote a series of posts on Freedom.  It seemed pretty appropriate as the United States was celebrating its Independence Day.  And, as I was going over all of the Freedoms given to us from God, I was struck at how much there is for us to be thankful for.

As a recap, I thought I would go back and share a quick summary of each post and the verses that have stayed with me throughout the week.  Be sure to click on the links after the verses to read the entire post!

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Freedom Series: Guilt & Shame

(If you missed the previous posts from my Freedom Series, be sure to go back and catch up!  To read, Freedom from Burdens, click here. For Freedom from Sin and Death click here. And, for Freedom from Worldly Priorities, click here.)

When Brad and I were first studying the Bible, one of my biggest struggles was understanding how God could give me Freedom from my Guilt and Shame.  I had a really hard time wrapping my brain around how He could find me worthy of His grace and forgiveness.

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