Freedom Series: A Recap


Over the past five days, I wrote a series of posts on Freedom.  It seemed pretty appropriate as the United States was celebrating its Independence Day.  And, as I was going over all of the Freedoms given to us from God, I was struck at how much there is for us to be thankful for.

As a recap, I thought I would go back and share a quick summary of each post and the verses that have stayed with me throughout the week.  Be sure to click on the links after the verses to read the entire post!

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Grateful for Gratitude

Grateful for Gratitude

When we first moved from Florida, I was having a pretty rough time adjusting.  Now, don’t get me wrong – I was super excited to be near family and so grateful to see them more regularly.  But, come on – we moved from Florida to Wisconsin – in January!!!  (I’m going to give you a minute to let that soak in…)

Again, it was all God’s perfect timing, but my clock really wasn’t in sync with His at the time.  At times, it was a real struggle for me to adjust to all of the changes and to honestly accept what was happening in our lives – let alone be grateful for them.

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A Helping Hand When We Fail and Fall

I took my children and two of their friends roller skating the other day.  I wasn’t feeling like showing off my mad skills, (and totally embarrassing my children), so I just sat and watched.

There was no school that day, so there were quite a few families at the rink.  As I sat, surrounded by skaters of all ages, I was completely mesmerized for a bit. They just kept going around and around… And then, I started really looking at the skaters.

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