God’s Peace


God's Peace

In our Bible Talk we have been going through the Fruits of the Spirit.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.                             Galatians 5:22-23

So far, I have written about Love and Joy.  (Check out those posts at Love, Love, Love, and Have a Joyful and Happy Day.)  This past week, Brad and I led a discussion on Peace.

What Is Peace?

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God Provides

God Provides

Recently Brad took a trip of solitude.  It is something that he has wanted to do for quite some time.  I was all for it.  It would provide a time for him to truly unplug and quiet his mind.  He is an extremely hard-working man who pours himself wholly into everything he does.

While he was gathering all of his supplies for his two-night camping trip along the Mississippi River, I asked about food.  He looked at me and pretty much laughed.

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Love, Love, Love


After spending yesterday with my parents, celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary, I have been thinking a lot about love.  Obviously, to have a marriage that has withstood trials, hardships, and just the test of time, there is a lot of love there.

And, while I know there are other things that have contributed to the long life of their marriage, (I got some great advice from the happy couple. Be sure to check back to see what it is…), one of the most visible characteristics is love.

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How To Have a Productive Day


I would love to have a productive day – Every Single Day.

But, there are days when I literally feel like my feet are walking through quicksand.  For some reason, everything takes way longer than usual.  And, I can never seem to get anything done.  On those days, I always run out of time.

How can I be in slow motion, but time seems to somehow speed up?

Days like those are super frustrating to me.

So, when my mom ended her goodbye with the word, Productive, unbeknownst to her, a gauntlet was thrown…

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Have a Joyful and Happy Day!

So, if you remember my post from yesterday, Have a Good Day, I had started talking about something my mom had said to me at the end of one of our phone conversations.

“Have a good, joyful, happy, productive day…”

For whatever reason, the whole phrase really stood out to me.  Probably because I have been working on the whole joyful and happiness bit.  Not to mention – trying to be productive. But that’s a story for another day.  Namely, tomorrow…

Today, I am going to focus on Joyful and Happy.

There is actually quite a bit of controversy in religious circles about these two words and their meanings, believe it or not.  Some theologians want to separate them and classify them as two entirely different things, while others point out the synonymous ways in which they’re used in the Bible.  So, which one is correct?

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