Waking Up in The Land of Enough - Missions 1 & 2

Waking Up to The Land of Enough – Missions 1 & 2

Recently, our church started a program, Passport to the Land of Enough, to help us better understand the daily lives of our brothers and sisters around the world.  We started by learning more about Africa and then focused in on Nigeria.  It was very eye-opening to learn about all the differences between our two worlds and see that, regardless of how little I have ever thought I had, it has always been way more than others have around the world. And, it has always been enough.

As part of our program, we were provided with different Missions we could complete throughout the upcoming weeks in an attempt to learn more about what daily life looks like for those living in Lagos, Nigeria, and elsewhere in Africa.  I thought it would be neat to write about some of them as we complete them.  I would love to hear your experiences with the Missions as well – should you choose to accept them…

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Freedom Series: A Recap


Over the past five days, I wrote a series of posts on Freedom.  It seemed pretty appropriate as the United States was celebrating its Independence Day.  And, as I was going over all of the Freedoms given to us from God, I was struck at how much there is for us to be thankful for.

As a recap, I thought I would go back and share a quick summary of each post and the verses that have stayed with me throughout the week.  Be sure to click on the links after the verses to read the entire post!

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Freedom Series: Worry & Fear

Worry and Fear

(If you missed the previous posts from my Freedom Series, be sure to go back and catch up!  To read, Freedom from Burdens, click here. For Freedom from Sin and Death click here.  To read, Freedom from Worldly Priorities, click here. And, for Freedom from Guilt and Shame, click here.)

A couple of weeks ago, I went in for a physical.  I had been putting it off for a while, so I was overdue for a few things.  As my doctor started to list off all the tests she recommended, I started to get a bit panicky…  It wasn’t that I didn’t know what she was talking about, or what it all meant, it was just the sheer number of tests that made my pulse go a little bit faster as the appointment went on…

So, I had all my blood tests, and some other things done, and all the results kept coming back great!

But, then I got a call from radiology.

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God Provides

God Provides

Recently Brad took a trip of solitude.  It is something that he has wanted to do for quite some time.  I was all for it.  It would provide a time for him to truly unplug and quiet his mind.  He is an extremely hard-working man who pours himself wholly into everything he does.

While he was gathering all of his supplies for his two-night camping trip along the Mississippi River, I asked about food.  He looked at me and pretty much laughed.

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